Lovecraft Country; The Northside Version
Norf Korea is a song by LordFredd33, and according to Spotify, one of my most played tracks of 2020. Although a contest entry, Norf Korea taught me that value can be created quickly, and being scared to try ideas just because they aren’t fully formed is ridiculous. Just do it.
How This Happened
My brother Simon and I have a history of making dance videos. Not too many, but we’ve definitely dabbled in that area quite a bit. We both dance, but honestly I’m not as brave as he is, plus I like being behind the camera. In this scenario, there was free rein to make whatever, and I’ve had this idea of somewhat fusing JuJu/witchcraft (sorry Mom) with dance and video. Most of my inspiration came from some previous held ideas I’m saving for a separate project, but when I listened to the song, the lyrics seemed to fit what I had in mind.
The song constantly makes reference to God, and plays around with the duality of being both a sinner and not. I’m not sure if that’s exactly how he meant it, but I when I heard the song, it felt to me almost a way of saying I can’t help who I am. When I finally met up with Simon, I wasn’t sure what we were gonna do, but I had this old book, and two different colored hats. I also had some chalk. I went with the religious dance circle theme, and tried play around with it. To be honest if you watch the video and try to pick out a story, there’s quite a few abstract ways you could see it, but I’m not the guy who hangs around Crunchyroll forums and spoils. I’m the guy who reports that guy.